With the goal on planting 1.2 million trees between July 1st, 2017-June 30th, 2018 for Rotary as a global organization, the Rotary Club of Plymouth rose to the challenge and planted 39 trees reflecting a tree for our membership. However, this could not be done alone, we enlisted the amazing partner in the City of Plymouth. Not only did the City collaborate in the design and funding, the City Forester researched the proper trees for a area the city located, provided an education on how to plant trees so they thrive and survive after 20 years without roots choking out, and then created educational plaques describing each tree and its value so those walking along the path of the tress could learn about the trees and come to better understand the intelligence of the Plant Kingdom and Mother Earth.
The gift of this movement came from one person, the Rotary International President Ian Reisling. He directed over 1 million people to focus our attention back onto the environment in a way that we could give back easily and effectively to support the planet which supports a species of life each day! These trees not only add beauty to the area they are planted in, but they provide homes for other lifeforms, stabilize the soil, and the root systems clear impurities out of water and restore clean healthy water in lakes, rivers, and all life.
This is a perfect example that when we come together, we evolve together, and Ian and 1.2+ million Rotarians did just that this year! Thanks to all those who serve everyday in infinite ways on a planet who are waking up to the collective truth, we are not separate from each other, including the earth and her kingdoms. The time to recognize and respond to our oneness is now. This is the change we seek! I send gratitude to all who respond to the hearts call to offer some love anywhere it is needed!
City of Plymouth Forester Paul Buck explains the proper way to plant and care for trees.
Thank you message to the City and all volunteers for showing up to plant 39 trees.
Group of Rotarians and Wayzata High School Volunteer students planting an actual tree!
Rotarian Carol Parrish who was instrumental in writing and receiving the grant for this project, along with two Wayzata High School students. A special thanks to these students, and their mentor Brenda Badger who manages the Youth Extending Service (Y.E.S) students who come together and serve around our community in magnificent ways.
Plymouth Rotarians prepared to present the check to the City of Plymouth for their portion of the support in our collaborative Tree planting project.
Thanks to the City of Plymouth for their support with our Rotary Club of Plymouth for the Tree Planting Project, as well as providing space and marketing at City Hall to train citizens on how to recognize the signs of sudden cardiac arrest and what to do in response if they experience this in their life. With their help we have trained over 5,000 people in our community. This is a free service we offer any organization. See our website for more details.
Tree Planting Project check to Mayor Kelli Slavik.