Membership Options


New policies regarding club dues and meal costs became effective July 2024 in accordance with changes approved by the Board of Directors.  It is the responsibility of each Rotarian to be fiscally prudent and to settle invoices, promptly.  A Rotarian understands their financial responsibility to the Plymouth Rotary Club and to pay quarterly invoices within 30 days of the invoice date.
  • Single Membership Dues:
There is an $80 per quarter ($320 annually) charge through QuickBooks, our accounting software. These dues offset operating expenses such as club insurance, accounting & communications software fees, Rotary District 5950 fees and Rotary International fees.
  • Corporate Membership Dues:
A corporation or company may join as a “Corporate Membership” for an extra $10 per quarter which equals $90 ($360 annually). This membership allows two or three company employees to attend the meetings.  A corporate membership is an excellent plan if there are people within one company who would like to attend “occasionally."  One member is designated the “regular” member while the other(s) are “alternates."  To minimize costs, only the "regular member" will receive the monthly Rotary magazine.
In the past we offered the option of purchasing meals.  We no longer offer this option.  We instead encourage members to bring lunches if they so desire. Associated Bank’s neighbors are Jimmy John’s and next to Jimmy John's is Red Robin.  Both have excellent lunch menus and can be ordered through their apps or in-person.  Many members bring a soda, or eat lunch before or after the club meeting.
I agree to the terms outlined above. 
Please acknowledge the below and complete the membership application (link provided below).  Kindly email both to our club  Co-Treasurer, Dwain Erickson, at
_________________________    _____________________________               ____________
Printed Name                                                   Signature                                  Date
Documents/Plymouth Rotary Billing Election Form 
Updated July 2024